Kategoria-arkisto ‘Luokittelematon’
* Sosiaalisesti rajoittuneetkin kaipaavat …jotain.
Kirjoitettu 11.08.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
(Even socially-retarded need …something.)
“But have you ever thought, that maybe polyamory could be the thing for you?” “…Umm…no… Or well maybe sometimes, ‘cos when I’ve just broken up with someone, I might find my self thinking, that I’m gonna start dating some nice couple…”
“…But I think that I have a little ‘rosy’ image of the whole thing…” “…But it could be JUST LIKE THAT! You should try it!”
* Sekalaisia poimintoja.
Kirjoitettu 8.08.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
It’s odd, that in the middle of a cricis, you can find something waluable. …Even if it feels like that everything’s just about pulsing penises, crying women, hurted feelings, avoiding responsibilities, and all kind of panic-reactions…
…There can still be a treasure, hiding in the eye of a tornado. “What do you think is important in a relationship?” “Well, hard to tell…”
“…A certain freedom. And that one can trust the other person.” “…common ‘opinion-atmosphere’ ” “I would love it, if both were WILLING to work for the relationship!” / “…Even if it means, that sometimes you have to make a note in the calender saying ‘making love every monday’.” “What do you think is important?”
“…Hmm …Well, I guess it is the freedom. I’m not very willing to compromise anymore.” “…But. I know I could be a ‘bit more flexible my self.” / “Yeah, I think we all could.” “I stll do believe in love. Despite of everything.” “Yeah. Why wouldn’t she? On a beautiful, care-free evening like this…” “…Here the three of us who have failed at that thing, are sitting, and still able to imagine, how it SHOULD be…”
Omituista melankoliaa / Odd melancholy:
“Mum called to tell me that she had found a wild cherry tree, and that for the first time in 17 years, she had spent 24hours totally alone at home.”
Ja lopuksi reaktioni erään miespuolisen henkilön kommenttiin “Kyllä musta on suuri vääryys, että mä joudun sukupuoleni vuoksi maksamaan henkivakuutuksesta enemmän kuin naiset, vaikka naiset ihan omalla käytöksellään hankkiutuvat jatkuvasti tilanteisiin, joissa on vaarana tulla raiskatuksi.” :
And this was my reaction to one gentlemans comment: ” I do think it’s a great injustice, that just because my sex, I have to pay more for my life insurance that women, even though women are getting raped all the time, just because of how they dress and behave themselves.”
* Haapsalu, kevät 2011
Kirjoitettu 8.08.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
* Vielä on kesää jäljellä.
Kirjoitettu 2.08.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
* Vitun vastuu.
Kirjoitettu 26.07.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
* Emmi Valve muotibloggaa! Vol.1
Kirjoitettu 22.07.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
Nyt myös väreissä! / Now in color!
Like any proper girl, I as well think about DRESSES more that I wear them. / “Nick and Milka are getting married, and I have NOTHING to wear!” I started freaking out well in advance. I bought a pair of shoes like ages ago, but I have no intention of using them EVER! / “…I’ve always wanted to know ho to walk in high heels, but I thinki this wedding is not the place to practice…” “…Ouch.” For real the wedge is higher!
So I bought a dress from online. It got lost in the mail. “Good bye, the Great Gatsby -elegance!” / As a backlash I nearly bought something COMPELITELY DIFERENT. …But then I visualized this situation: / “Ah, all the romance!” “…Why couldn’t I too hold a relationship, really?” / “OH YES. ” “Because I look like a psycho.”
I’ve also tried on a numerous pieces of sale-dresses, and I had no idea, that I could look fat in so many different ways! “With rustic-romantic style.” “In the spirit of the 80’s.” “Childishly.” “Like a Femme Fatale.” “and like a teenager.” I really know, that the fault is not in me, or at least not in my butt, these dresses just simply HATE me! …And I don’t want a dress like that. I want a best friend!…
I was almost giving up, when I had an illumination. / “I had so much fun in this dress last summer!” “…and if I’ll chainsmoke, I can pretend that those burnt holes in the tulle are fresh! And I don’t really need shoes at all!” / You know you have a true friend, when she sticks by your side trough the hard times! …Hmm… Should I consider a headpiece of some kind?
“Isuppose everything’s pretty fine, if I have the opportunity to wallow in light thoughts like these!”
* Jokke.
Kirjoitettu 18.07.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
Piirsin tämän, kun tavallaan jäin sen velkaa. Mun piti mös itselleni yrittää järkeillä että kuka sä olit, ja mitä sä teit mun elämässä. …Ja hei, kertakaan tätä piirtäessäni en karannut salaa jonnekkin vetämään perskännejä vaan siksi että se oli vaikeeta.
* Sairaskertomus.
Kirjoitettu 13.07.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
* Tylsä juttu.
Kirjoitettu 9.07.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
Tänkin haasteen piirsin joskus keväällä, kun rupes tuntumaan siltä ettei huvita piirtää enää mitään ikinä. Toimi piirtämishaluttomuuteen, mutta myönnän että draaman kaari jäi aika vähäiseksi.
* Pupuja.
Kirjoitettu 7.07.2011 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.
Blogs I like.
- Aminan luonnoskirja
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- Kaisa Leka
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- Wunderwald
Me elsewhere.
- 100+ Blogihaaste (2)
- 30-30 Blogihaaste (11)
- Luokittelematon (118)
- October in Riga (1)