Väy väy.
18.08.2011 - 10:36 / emmi.
Dear diary!
“Uh, It’s been a tangled week! My bike & keys got stolen, there’s something wrong with my hip and I’m in pain, and got my DVD-player messed up. Then I realized, that I fucked up this thingie, which means that for now, Im broke.” “But, what can you do? Still have to keep myself busy, so that I don’t have time to get depressed or anything.” “If one thing ain’t working out, I’ll just move on to the next one. No time for wallowing!” “Stupid thing with the DVD-player tough…” “I mean, I tried to comfort my self by ordering a a pile of silly 80’s movies, and now I can’t watch them!” LUCKILY this week can’t last forever!
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