Kategoria-arkisto ‘Luokittelematon’

* Vappu.

Kirjoitettu 30.04.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

I don’t have the time to translate this right now, but just by looking at the pictures you can get a pretty good idea how we do not spend the first of May in Finland.


* Fooling around & doodling around.

Kirjoitettu 28.04.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Something from my journal.

Whatcha thinking, Emmi?

Lunch at school diner.

”Hi. Is this seat taken?” // ”No. Go ahead.” ”…The whole diner is half-empty, you freak of a people person!” // ”Mmm! Cabbage casserole!” “…Should have taken that.” // ”Oh, colleagues! Excuse me, but I must go and sit over there. I have to sort some things out.” ”Be my guest.” // ”Jay!” ”…Bummer!”

Cinderella. Sort of.

”These fake leather pants keep embarrassing sound when I move.”


* This is how all the magic happens.

Kirjoitettu 9.04.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Sometimes just the sound of working makes me tired.

”This project needs some thinking.”    ”Tap tap tap tap tap ta tap tap tap tap”




* Recovering.

Kirjoitettu 27.03.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Tampere Comic Festivals.
”Allrighty, Emmi. Just act normal now.”

”Everything I say sounds weird! – No, it sounds like I’m TRYING to sound weird, like attention seeking teen! – Why don’t I have anything COMMON to say?! –  And why do I look like a secretary?! – Is it weird that I’m always wearing shit loads of make up?! – Relax you freak! – No, don’t relax, it will only make it worse!”

MONDAY, 8:25

”Hallo, Emmi.” ”Hi, we are repairing the apartment next to yours…” // ”And we need to come over to adjust the radiators…” ”Yeah…. Well. I just put some pants on.” // ”You don’t have to. Ha ha.” ”Ah. Right.” // ”…I just some how got trough Tampere…” // ”And now I need to let some strangers in my home…” // ”What is this, some kind of face-your-inhibitions -theme-week?”

”KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!” // “KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!” // “Okay, okay, I’ll open the door!” // ”Sorry. I’ve been on the road for the weekend, and I’m still ‘bit tired…” // “Ha ha.” “Ha fucking ha.”

”Are you home in few hours, or can we use the master key to get in and adjust the radiator back to how it was?” ”Umm yes, no, I’m off to work pretty soon now.” // “Phew, he’s gone!” // “I feel nauseous. – I’ll stay home. I’m nauseous and sick…” // “Bullsshit! – You feel sick because some one penetrated your personal space before 9 am, and your capacity was already full!” // ” You ain’t sick! Get to work!”

”Sometimes it is so exciting to be me! – When everyday-life turns in to a fucking adventure! – uh huh..- Wonder what he thought about my unwashed baking bowls and those odd paper piles… – Something bad, I’m sure of.”

I am lucky to have my herd.

” (Roughly from a poem by Edith Södergran:) Run to the loneliness! Be men! Refuse to be shrunken dwarves!” / (No man is an island, but I might call my self Åland.)




* Stop the press!

Kirjoitettu 12.03.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Tää on ulkona ihan näinä päivinä, julkkarit Tampere Kupliissa 23.3.

Book releasing at Tampere Kuplii, 23.3. (This one comes with English subtitles.)

”Besides loneliness, sex, and love, the book is also about loved one’s death, longing, and growing up.”

Order HERE.  / Tilaa TÄÄLTÄ.

Ja tätäkin saa, esim. multa, hintaan 5e. Laita sähköpostia, emmi.valve@gmail.com

Englannin kielinen. / In English.

This you can get for example from me, 5e, email me; emmi.valve@gmail.com

”All You Need Is Love is a story about friendship and how we should appreciate the love we already have in our lives.”


* 19

Kirjoitettu 10.03.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Drawn in the spirit of my old diaries and notebooks.

“When I was 19, I just wanted to spend the rest of y life like this.” // My favorite flower was peony. (Still is.) I hated carnelians. (Which I now love.)

There were many girls in me. // My opinion was that… / Coffee is meant to be black – Now days I sometimes put milk in it. / Cigarettes are meant to be red – At some point I started smoking blue ones. / The glass is meant for beer -Still agree. / Gigs I go to are free. -Now days I do pay.

I wasn’t yet scared of water. / I was scared of everything else. // ”Remember Emmi, the most important thing in this world is beauty.” ”I try. – …Hey, did you notice, I still wear this same jacket.”

”Now that I think of it, it’s quite funny that…” // “I don’t know what I shall be when I grow up! – I’m useless! I know nothing! – The only thing I seem to have any interest on, are these notebooks of mine! – Pages and pages of pictures and text about ”memememe”, aargh! I have to come up with something I’m good at! Something valuable!” // ”…Ahem…”


* Working.

Kirjoitettu 7.03.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

* Clouds And Little Creatures

Kirjoitettu 7.03.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Well, that thing has been there, idunno, few weeks? I’ve tried drinking it away and overeating it away, but with very little results, really. // This time of year is always a bit challenging for me, and … you know, other reasons… // I’ll be fine. I’m sure something wonderful is about to happen any moment now. – But I gotta go cry in the toilet now. My pen broke, and I draw this shitty comic, you see.

Oh yeah, I’ve been recently learning taxidermy! I started with mice. // I’s surprisingly… comforting activity. ”Hello there little mouse!” // ”Oh, where did the mouse go?!” //”There you are! Don’t worry, I’m gonna give you an eternal life!”//”…Well, not very PRETTY eternal life, but still…”

Then, one morning my son woke me up by giving me this:

( Translation: )

…Sooo… What was my problem again? Can’t remember.

(…”Candy cotton”? …Well, we all know what I meant to write.)


* The Bubble Boy. …And Woman.

Kirjoitettu 13.02.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.


We’we both been sick on turns for the past few weeks. ”Blah.” ”Blah.” // I’ve done my best to make us enjoy our days indoors. // I’ve  even INVITED QUESTS! That’s unheard of me! – Karo- ” Have you considered living picture? I’m quite interested of it at the moment. – It would be fun to see what you would film!” // -My twin brother and hi’s son- ”Do you like it?” ”No.” ”Good. You’ll eat it anyway.” // …But still: ”Aargh! I’m TIRED of being HOME all the time!” “Could we visit someone?”

So we went to a kid’s concert. // ”I promise I won’t couch at other kids if we go!”  (Draws constantly) // ”…I had forgotten how ”Other Mums” look like!” (Oops! My dress was really very decent!) // ”…And how ”Other Kids” sound like!” // It still was the high light of our week. ”How are you feeling?” ”Bad.” // So.  …Back to square one. ”Which dress would you take? I think the one with golden ruffles is the prettiest.” // ”…One can always dream… Of working! Lunches! Training! Cafes! Real reasons to put on make up! Adults! ” // Well. This ain’t gonna last forever!

Few weeks ago I had my firs scrimmage:

”Goal: – Not to throw up on the track! – …Or go ahead. But do it during the warm ups, so it’s out of your system quickly.”

But hey, I did it! Afterwords I felt like this old doodling:

In my near future, I’m planning to mainly feel like this old doodling.


* Sunday with Enid.

Kirjoitettu 10.02.2013 - emmi. Kategoriassa Luokittelematon.

Dear Diary! 10.2.2013 Sunday.

I’ve been sick. / January was athletic. / Fuck! I’ll turn 30 next year! / Shrovetide means buns! /I want pizza, but I’m lazy, so I’ll just eat some sweet potatoes and reindeer from my fridge. / I haven’t really gotten anything on paper lately. I need something like this. / I bought milk yesterday only because I thought I saw an old crush of mine by the milk shelf. ”Oh heck, not him!” / My book will finally come out in March. / I’ve gotten beautiful messages from old friends lately. If I haven’t responded, it’s only because I’ve been so touched I haven’t found any words. You are amazing. /Now I’m gonna watch Ghost World.

Tulips and pineapple figurines.



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